Thursday, March 27, 2008

Things That Scare Me #1

Last night I was coolin out with in Myron's fantastic garage hangout, as we cooled out shot shit and watch TV Conan O'Brien had an all star show of The Rock, Ed Helms and Bjork. Now I can watch any sort of horror movie and not be scared but if you strapped me to a chair and held my eyes open like in "A Clockwork Orange" and had me watch Bjork preform I'd release my bowels in terror of her spastic motion and creepy pale skin. Bjork is the probably my biggest fear currently, above, Terminators and the ocean.

She's so gaddamn creepy, so much so I don't care how good her music is, the images of her are burned into my mind and man alive I wouldn't wish this upon my most hated of enemies.

So Bjork (seriously what kind of name is that?) you terrify me...

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