Monday, January 26, 2009

The Taker...

A Lesson in Davidism...

‘a’= 1

So I was lucky enough to have Dora go all Betty Crocker on it and whip me up a batch of cupcakes for my birthday. (yeah I’m 25, thank you all) So being the giver that I am, I bring six of the formerly nine cupcakes to work. So I get to work and not only is the mainstay crew of Jon, Andre and Chris Ho as well. Sounds good right? That morning I watched Cartoons ate a big bowl of Honey Nut Cherio's, Obama got Inaugurated. A happier day could not have been had... Until
Enter: THE TAKER. The cupcakes come in, and all is well we’re enjoying Yellowy cupcakes with chocolate frosting. (delicious!) But here comes the Taker. There’s this creepy dude we’ll just call him Taker (keeps things easy) He’s nice enough but at the same time just really fucking weird.

This is a conversation between Myself, Jon and Chris Ho and The Taker...

JUSTIN: Hey Jon Matt’s cousin made Cupcakes!

JON: Cool! (I can’t really remember what he said. In fact he probably wasn’t paying attention.)

CHRIS HO: I’m supposed to work out to day; but if they’re birthday cupcakes, how can I refuse.

JUSTIN: Yeah take one it’s cool! There’s enough here for everybody!


TAKER: Could I have A cupcake!

‘A’= 1 (or so I thought.

Justin looks at Chris

JUSTIN: Uh... Yeah that’s cool...

The TAKER reaches for a cup cake.

So despite random guy taking a cupcake conversation and coolness maintain as usual. Andre is talking books, I’m shooting shit with Chris, and Jon Ho is doing what Jon Ho does...everything.
As we stand by the counter there’s a peculiar look in the Taker’s eyes as he holds a cupcake. His eyes shift back and for as though he’s contemplating, thinking and then he strikes! He walks over to the cupcake tray and while he has cupcake one in hand GRABS another cupcake! YES he did it! He took another cupcake before he even ate the other. Nothing was said, because of the sheer amount of shock that was coursing through my system, fucking crazy!

The Taker is school in July (no class).