Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Every now and again I get interesting questions, whilst I sling books. So I figured I’ll start answering them blog style so all of you can share in my awesome insights.

Last Wednesday (06-04-08) I got the comment/Question of

Q: I was reading Hellboy and I noticed that in early sketches of the character he had more of a superhero and in the comics he has very sunken shoulders. What up with that?

Well here’s the deal, from reading interviews with Mike Mignolga he based Hellboy’s persona around every boy’s first superhero his pops. Mike’s dad was a cabinet maker who routinely witnessed other guys getting nails stuck in their hands and getting 15 inch shards of wood as splinters. His dad would come home and tell him about it, and be all casual about it.
What does this has to do with Hellboy’s sullen shoulders? Well it’s simple, Hellboy acts the same way, he treats the work he does like a job. In the movie he’s more of an unsung hero and not like comic Hellboy who’s just a blue collar working stiff. His posture reflects this. You ever have to wake up early for school or work and the first words out of your mouth is just a string of obsenities? Imagine if your job was to deal with weird bastards who want to use magic to bring about the apocalypse, or watching your fish buddy get shot by a monkey? That’s this guys life, it seems more taxing than heroic. That’s why I think Hellboy is awesome he’s not angst ridden sissy he’s a man’s man, there’s no time for that crap.

Some one came in recently and asked me point blank this question (06-11-08)

Q: What’s going on in X-Men?

A: Four words: The fuck if I know.

See you at the shop...

1 comment:

Michael Kasaboski said...

"The fuck if I know."

That's five words.