Friday, February 8, 2008

All Growed Up

So I read the new issue of Nightwing, or rather the past 2 issues of Nightwing # 140-141 and boy howdy can this Petey Tomasi write Dick Grayson. If you look at the character he's really the first person who was practically born into the superheroic life, but unlike Batman he's less a terrifying icon and more of just that kid you watched grow up and take charge of his own shit.

Not to give to much away but he's cooling out with Superman, the JSA he's dating broads, and rolling with his buddy Wally West. I'm saying it from now if DC handles this correctly this style of book and if others become more like it, they can win that war against Marvel.

What? Big talk eh? Let me explain. The problem with the DC universe is that it's based more on iconic character and archtypes rather than humanistic character, but with characters like Nightwing, and pretty much the original Titan's growing up they can have a more humanistic approach meaning you'd get the big iconic stories, as well as some decent ballast with characters who do have problems and are people first.

So kudos to the power team of Peter Tomasi (Black Adam) and Rags Morales (Identity Crisis) this book has had a great kick off and hopefully it'll be the first of a new generation of heroes being taken seriously as characters and not just sidekicks.

Peace Peace Y'all

See you at the shop!

1 comment:

the_sounder said...

it's like a generational thing:

supes, batman, wonder woman etc are the old generation and are iconic, stuck in their ways.

but these next gen, new kids, like nightwing have seen that, grew up with that and have become more humanistic.

it's realistic to do this with these characters as it shows generational divide. very interesting.